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Enforex Spanish Language Schools
Spanish in the Spanish World

Ace the DELE Exam with a Prep Course and get 10% off!


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In observance of the Organic Law 15/1999, dated December 13th, on the Protection of Personal Data, the information you provide on this website or on those of the group, property of Enforex, S.L., will be added to a computerized file (owned and operated by Enforex S.L.) for the commercial and operational purposes of said business. By accepting these general conditions, you hereby give your consent for said actions to be carried out as well as for the data’s use in sending updated information requested on this website and throughout its commercial network. Likewise, we inform you of the possibility of exercising the rights of access, correction and cancellation in the terms established in the current legislation, at the address C/ Alberto Aguilera, 26 – 28015 Madrid

Why learn Spanish with us?

35 Spanish Language centers

with the possibility of mixing and matching cities.

+ 30 Programs

More than 30 types of Spanish courses to choose from.

Quality & Security

We guarantee we will respond to all of your inquiries, questions and the reservations you make within 48 hours.

10% off: Prep for the DELE and take advantage of our super low prices

Sign up for one of our DELE Prep Courses for a guaranteed incredible experience of a lifetime!

Great, but what is the DELE? It stands for Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language and is the most recognized exam in Spain and around the world. The exam is granted by the prestigious Instituto Cervantes. There are six different exams, one for each level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1-C2). Passing any level is a big accomplishment!

Why Enforex? That’s simple:

  • Proven results: over 95% of our students pass the exam
  • Experienced teachers who are experts in the DELE Exam
  • 15 incredible destinations in Spain and Latin America

And now, for a limited time, we are offering 10% off our two or four week DELE Prep Courses in Spain or Latin America. We hope to see you in Spain soon and good luck on the DELE!


  • Duration: Minimum of 2 weeks of classes and accomodation
  • Deadline for enrollment: March 3rd, 2017
  • Accommodations subject to availability.
  • The enrollment fee is not included.
  • A deposit is due at the time of enrollment.
  • Destinations: Barcelona, Madrid, Salamanca, Valencia, Guanajuato, Oaxaca, Playa del Carmen, Quito, Santo Domingo de Heredia.

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